Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week of October 10

Another busy week has flown by us. We are coming to an end of our study of Native Americans. We should finish this next week. We are rapidly moving further into multiplication with 2-3 digit numbers multiplied by 1-2 digit numbers. Your student is expected to have mastered their 0-9 facts by this week. Please continue to practice those facts with your child if they do not have the speed plus the accuracy. Skills Tutor is a great way to practice fluency. Your child can access this site from the Addison webpage. They should use their student ID as user, cobb as password, and the site ID is addison01.

Reading logs were due last Friday for the first quarter. Your child will receive a new one for this period. Please keep this in their GATOR book so all reading can be recorded. Please don't forget to sign the report at the end of the quarter to verify your child's reading.

Next week is conference week. I look forward to meeting with each of you to share your child's academic progress. Your child should be at the conference as well to share his/her personal goals and expectations. Thank you for your continued support.